Le portugais (book only) © Assimil – nicht vertragliche Bilder Bild vergrößern

Le portugais

1 Buch
Jose Luis De Luna & Irene Freire Nunes
Buchreihe Ohne Mühe
- (A1-A2) Elementare Sprachanwendung > (B2) Selbstständig
Französisch Ausgangssprache: FRANZÖSISCH
Portugiesisch Erlernte Sprache: PORTUGIESISCH

A 564-page book with 100 lessons

29,90 € inkl. MwSt.

- +

The Portuguese book in the “With Ease” collection aims to teach you the basic structures of Portuguese using a progressive, appealing method, without any complicated theoretical explanations. By way of varied texts that we hope you will find amusing, you will learn the spoken language in all circumstances of everyday life in Portugal. Elements of grammar are introduced following a natural progression which doesn't require any special knowledge and which facilitates assimilation. If you keep up a regular pace of work, you won't have any problems with this progression. The level reached will enable you to follow and take part in everyday conversation.

  • Lively, useful dialogue
  • Carefully-constructed progression
  • Systematic revision


Recordings of all the texts and translation exercises are available separately. Recorded by professional native speakers, they are a vital learning asset. The title: O português - 4 audio CDs (9782700517651) or 1 MP3 download (3135414907151).

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